Thursday Book Recs

One of my favorite books of all time is Mary Stewart’s Nine Coaches Waiting: good, old fashioned, romantic suspense. I was thrilled to hear that Susanne Kearsley has a new book coming out, since she’s the closest I’ve found recently to that Mary Stewart-esque feel. Does anyone have any recommendations for books in that mode?


  1. Korri on March 12, 2009 at 10:37 pm

    Helen MacInnes is a good one. My favorite is While Still We Live.

  2. Gen on March 17, 2009 at 9:41 pm

    I just discovered Susanne Kearsley this year, so I know what you mean! It seems like no one writes good old fashioned romantic suspense anymore. The stuff they call romantic suspense these days is all stalkers psycho killers. Bleh.

    I[m sure you’ve read them, but some of the earlier Elizabeth Peters books are somewhat in the Mary Stewart vein – foreign locale, romantic suspense, a bit of archeology thrown in for interest.

    A book that I found to capture the Stewart-ish feel for me very satisfactorily was ‘Light Raid’ by Connie Willis and Cynthia Felice. It’s technically sci-fi, but it’s basically a romantic suspense novel at its heart.

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